The 12th Association for Cultural Studies 'Crossroads in Cultural Studies' conference


会议名称:The 12th Association for Cultural Studies 'Crossroads in Cultural Studies' conference





所在城市:上海市 黄浦区

具体地点:中华人民共和国 上海市 黄浦区





The 12th Association for Cultural Studies "Crossroads in Cultural Studies" conference will be held in Shanghai, from August 12th to 15th 2018. It is the first time for it to come to Mainland China. Hosted by Shanghai University, Crossroads 2018 will bring scholars together in the beautiful summertime to engage with the past, present and future of cultural studies scholarship.

The Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference has played an important role in the creation of a global discussion of Cultural Studies. It has become a major international conference where scholars from all five continents gather regularly to exchange research, views, and insights. Organized by the Association for Cultural Studies (ACS), the Crossroads conference is held every other year in different parts of the world. Previous conferences have taken place in Sydney (Australia), Birmingham (United Kingdom), Urbana-Champaign (USA), Istanbul (Turkey), Kingston (Jamaica), Hong Kong (China), Paris (France), and Tampere (Finland).


The conference is open to all topics relevant to cultural studies. Here are some suggested topics as food for thought, drawing on the work of our invited keynote, plenary and spotlight speakers, and on more general themes in cultural studies research. However, all contemporary cultural studies research is welcome at this conference:

Relationships between the urban and the rural

Political/cultural unconscious of the youth

Ideas and practices for the alternative

Knowledge production and its transformation

Rethinking university and the academic community

Return to the communities

Human/non-human relations

Working class and the intellectual proletariat

Green culture/economy

Gender identity

Creative industry and cultural economy

Labour right and robot

Political and technical dimensions of "post-truth"

Practices of space

Food sovereignty, safety and quality

Redefinition of economy

Cultural citizenship

New media and new politics

Law and everyday-life rationality

Immaterial labour and intellectual property

Rethinking time in the digital era

Regional cultural traditions and global mainstream culture

Borders and mobilities